Friday, July 30, 2010

Egyptian Journalist Describes 'Absolute Prosperity' in Gaza

Will western media report it?

"A sense of absolute prosperity prevails, as manifested by the grand resorts along and near Gaza's coast. Further, the site of the merchandise and luxuries filling the Gaza shops amazed me,” he reported.

Concerned that his initial impression of prosperity may have been misleading, “I toured the new resorts, most of which are quite grand, as well as the commercial markets, to verify my hypothesis. The resorts and markets have come to symbolize prosperity, and to prove that the siege is formal or political, not economic,” Al-Houl said.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Europe's prospects brighten as U.S. fades

Thanks to Obama.

(Reuters) - What's odd about this scenario?

German business confidence is soaring while U.S. consumer sentiment sinks.

Britain's second-quarter economic growth was almost twice as fast as expected, the strongest in four years.

Meanwhile, economists have steadily marked down forecasts for Friday's U.S. gross domestic product report.

What happened to Europe being the weak link in the global economic recovery?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Oliver Stone: 'Jewish-Dominated Media' Prevents Hitler from Being Portrayed 'in Context'

Or, you're just stupid.

Director Oliver Stone belittled the Holocaust during a shocking interview with the Sunday Times today, claiming that America's focus on the Jewish massacre was a product of the "Jewish domination of the media."

The director also defended Hitler and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and railed against the "powerful lobby" of Jews in America.

Migrants sell up, flee Arizona ahead of crackdown | Reuters

Where are they going?

"Everyone is selling up the little they have and leaving," said Villasenor, 31, who is headed for Pennsylvania. "We have no alternative. They have us cornered."

Monday, July 19, 2010

Muslim bus drivers refuse to let guide dogs on board | Mail Online

Fire them.

Blind passengers are being ordered off buses or refused taxi rides because Muslim drivers or passengers object to their 'unclean' guide dogs.

One pensioner, a cancer sufferer, told how had twice been confronted by drivers and asked to get off the bus because of his guide dog, and had also faced hostility at a hospital and in a supermarket over the animal.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Unemployment Pay: Labor Department Estimates $7 Billion Overpayments

They run health care too you know.

Preliminary estimates released by the U.S. Department of Labor find that, in 2009, states made more than $7.1 billion in overpayments in unemployment insurance, up from $4.2 billion the year before. The total amount of unemployment benefits paid in 2009 was $76.8 billion, compared to $41.6 billion in 2008.

Fraud accounted for $1.55 billion in estimated overpayments last year, while errors by state agencies were blamed for $2.27 billion, according to the Labor Department. The department's final report will be released next month.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Future uncertain for woman facing stoning death

Religion of peace, eh?

A woman facing death by stoning in Iran may have been given a reprieve but her future is still uncertain.

The Guardian reports is it unclear whether alleged adulteress Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani will still be executed by other means.

The Iranian embassy in London said the stoning would not go ahead: "according to information from the relevant judicial authorities."

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Congressional Report Claims Administration Misled About Efforts on Oil Spill

Where's the outrage from the left?

( – Billy Nungesser, president of Plaquemines Parish in Louisiana, sensed that a chart showing 140 oil skimmers at work -- a chart given to him by BP and the Coast Guard -- was “somewhat inaccurate.” So, Nungesser asked to fly over the spill to verify the number.

The flyover was cancelled three times before those officials admitted that just 31 of the 140 skimmers were actually deployed.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Fury as Lockerbie bomber doctor Karol Sikora admits he could live for a decade

Thanks to Gordon Brown.

The cancer expert who predicted the Lockerbie bomber would die within three months of his release from prison has admitted he could live for another ten years or more.

Professor Karol Sikora, who had diagnosed Abdelbaset Al Megrahi with terminal cancer, faced calls to apologise to victims' families last night.

Campaigners reacted with fury to the professor's comments, which they said raised new questions about the decision to allow Megrahi to return to his native Libya.