Sunday, June 27, 2004

Beheadings fuel fresh backlash against Muslims

From CNN

"It's really our fear coming true," said Faiza Ali of the New Jersey chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR]. "It indicates a hatred that could turn into something violent."

Well, Mr. Ali, violence and terrorism is what your, "so called" civil rights group, CAIR is all about. Here are four links exposing your groups terrorists links. CAIR terror links here

Mr. Ali, do Muslims denounce bin Laden, Al Qaeda and these beheadings?

The day after Johnson's death, a coalition of Muslim groups held a rally to condemn the killing in Paterson, the heart of New Jersey's Arab-American community.

As I understand it, the city has one of the Garden State's highest concentrations of Muslims. So, this must have been some rally.

About two-dozen people attended the gathering on Main Street. The city has one of the Garden State's highest concentrations of Muslims. Source

Two dozen people (maybe they weren't all Muslims) to speak for the largest Muslim community in New Jersey and denounce the barbaric beheading of an American in the name of Islam. That should tell you all you need to know about this "so called" religion of peace. America better wake up soon to who these people really are.

Seems to me CAIR and New Jersey Muslims support these beheadings.

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Brain Bliss