Sunday, March 20, 2005

Iraq - Lancet 100,000 Dead Claim False

Instapundit has more on the debunking of the Lancet's report that over 100,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed by coalition forces.

Here is the original debunking by Slate.

Despite the total discrediting of the Lancet report, the left wing media continue to report it as fact.

I like this Instapundit comment:

Are we honestly to believe that twice as many non-combatants have died as a result of the liberation of Iraq as were American combatants in 8 years of VietNam? In a war designed and fought to minimize civilian casualties with things like GPS guided bombs?

Readers, where ever you see the Lancet report cited, write to the offending media and demand a retraction. Let them know you're fed up being lied to. Links to various media complaints departments are on the top left of my blogroll.

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Brain Bliss