Thursday, January 20, 2005

Anti-Inauguration protest fizzles

Despite the call to arms from the anti-war movement in the press, TV, radio and on the internet, almost no one showed up to protest.

About 500 people rallied in a park several miles from the Capitol, where George W. Bush was taking the oath of office for a second term.


Elsewhere in the city, more than 300 anti-war protesters — organized by a social justice peace movement called CodePink — sported beauty pageant style banners with "resist!" scrawled in black.

Wow, some protest. This is a good indication that the anti-war movement is a dying movement.

Dan Rather, champion of the anti-Vietnam crowd, caught using forged documents in an effort to steal this election.

John Kerry and his band of Winter Soldiers caught lying about Vietnam.

Ironic, the champions of the anti-war movement are to a great extent, responsible for its' demise. No matter how much they support your cause, people don't like being lied to.

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Brain Bliss