Sunday, January 16, 2005

BBC Europhile Bias

Seems the BBC is blind and biased against, not only the US and Israel, but the EU as well.

EU Referendum has an extract from a letter by Lord Pearson of Rannoch on the BBC's bias.

During the first five years of our monitoring the BBC, its chairman sent our reports to management, who naturally found them groundless and he wrote back accordingly.

The whole exercise is on, but highlights include a 2:1 bias in favour of Europhile speakers; not a single Labour Eurosceptic being allowed on air in 250 hours monitored during the 1999 European elections; and Gerry Adams being the only "no" campaigner interviewed during the re-run of the Irish referendum on the Nice Treaty.

Hutton changed all this and the new chairman, Michael Grade, has not sent us any brush-off letters. Instead he arranged for us to meet most of BBC’s news and news-related editors. Their main problem is that they and their researchers know very little about the detail of our relationship with “Brussels”.

At least one senior editor thought that the Council of Ministers had the monopoly to propose and execute EU legislation, rather than the Commission. This ignorance is inspired by the blind PC belief, held almost universally throughout the Corporation, that the EU is an inevitably good thing, responsible for peace, etc. We are up against a large, self-satisfied and introspective culture.

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Brain Bliss