Thursday, January 13, 2005

Britain - and World War IV

World War III was the cold war. Just in case you were wondering. I was when I first read of the current war against militant Islam, i.e. Wahabbism, referred to as WW IV.

In the aftermath of 9/11, the US began to tighten up border security, airport and seaport screening, shut down Islamic charities that were funneling money to terrorists, arrest and convict Muslim leaders who were involved in supporting terrorists and deporting Muslims found in the country illegally.

Bush went further and took the fight to the Islamic terrorists, such as Afghanistan and Iraq.

Pakistan began to crack down on Islamic terrorists but still needs to clean up the madrasses.

Saudi Arabia wants to be seen to be doing something and has cracked down on those it considers a threat to the royals but does nothing about the heart of the problem, Wahabbism.

In France, France's jihadists forced underground and in Germany,

"More than 700 police raided apartments and mosques across Germany today in a crackdown on a Islamic extremist organisation suspected of aiding terrorists."

Even the Dutch, the bastion of appeasement and tolerance, have joined World War IV.

The Dutch government declared war on Islamic terrorists yesterday as mourners gathered in Amsterdam for the cremation of the murdered film-maker Theo van Gogh.

All around the world World War IV is being waged. But what of Britain?

Britain has a large contingent of troops fighting in Iraq. But the British see the war in Iraq as Blair's folly for following, as the press like to say, Bush like a poodle. They don't see the connection to fighting Islamic terrorism. In fact many see the war in Iraq as rallying call which creates more terrorists. This despite the fact that Saddam paid the families of Palestinian suicide bombers, gave shelter to Al Qaeda terror leaders and allowed training camps for Ansar al-Islam on Iraqi soil. This is not surprising given the anti-American press in Britain, led by the BBC and The Guardian.

There have been several spectacular arrests in Britain of suspected Islamic terrorists but few convictions. And some of the strict anti-terrorism laws that were enacted to fight homeland terrorists, have been challenged.

We are told by the police that several major terrorists attacks have been foiled, including one on Heathrow airport.

But how much are we really participating in World War IV compared to the US, France and Germany?

Abu Hamza, aka Hamza the Hook, has been wanted for years in Yemen on terrorism charges and last year the US wanted him extradited there on terrorism charges. But for years he was allowed to recruit terrorists at Finsbury Park Mosque. Islamists terrorists recruited from the Finsbury Park Mosque are Moussaoui, the '20th hijacker';James Ujaama; Jerome Courtailler; and shoe-bomber Richard Reid. (Internet Haganáh)

So, what did Britain do with Hamza? They arrested him. But many see this as a ploy to be seen to be doing something about Hamza. Britain does not extradite people to countries with the death penalty. By arresting Hamza on charges here in Britain, Yemen and the US will have to wait to try him. And what are these charges?

It is understood that the case against Hamza will be brought substantially under criminal, rather than terrorist legislation.

Meanwhile, Hamza maintains a website, Supporters of Shareeah, where he continues "his work". S.O.S., quaint, huh?

Hamza is not the only terrorist mouthpiece recruiting on British soil.

Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammed, who runs the Muslim Al-Muhajiroun organization in London, has openly declared war on Britain. Speaking at a convention of some 600 Muslims, Bakri said,

Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammed, leader of the now officially disbanded Islamic militant group Al Muhajiroun told United Press International Saturday that as the covenant of security under which Muslims previously lived in Britain has been broken, Muslims must now consider themselves at war. "And I declare we should ourselves join the global Islamic camp against the global crusade camp," he said.

The "global crusade camp" presumedly refers to the US, Britain and other members of the "coalition of the willing".

Bakri's group even called for the use of suicide bombers.

"Whether they be stones, whether they be sticks, whether they be knives, whether they be bombs, whatever they may be, prepare as much as you can," he said.

"It is our responsibility as Muslims to prepare, to fight," he said, calling on the crowd to "give up your lives for the sake of Allah."

Far from joining WW IV, Britain seems to be taking the appeasement route, again.

There are plans to enact laws prohibiting speaking out against Islam and adopting Sharia Law. Which got this reaction from Melanie Phillips, in an article titled "Dhimmi* Britain"

So there it is in black and white -- proof that the law against incitement to religious hatred, which has the power to shut down legitimate comment about Islam, potentially put Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, secularists and others in the dock for speaking the truth, and make the giving of offence a greater offence than intimidating Britons into silence (and in so doing destroy a fundamental British liberal tradition) is being introduced to buy Muslim votes. The price to be paid for invading Iraq, in other words, is to be Britain's freedom of speech.

By the way Dhimmi means: "*'Dhimmi' is the status of infidels under Islam who are permitted to live in Muslim jurisdictions but only with restrictions as second-class citizens." Infidels would be you and me.

Meanwhile, the British press beat a constant drumbeat of anti-Americanism, led by the BBC and The Guardian. Here is a good starting point for evidence of the BBC's anti-American crusade. For The Guardian start here or here. These are merely starting places, research my blog for more.

This constant drumbeat of anti-Americanism by the British media prompted another remark by Melanie Phillips:

In the war that has been declared upon the free world, the western media's abuse of power is perhaps the most lethal weapon of all.

So, as WW IV rages around the world, where does Britain stand today?

Muslim appeasement, enacting Muslim laws, buying Muslim votes, stifling dissent against Muslim extremists, allowing Muslim terrorist recruiters in Britain and an anti-American press waging a crusade against WW IV, that's where.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes Marc! but don't forget that our Government has made it very difficult for people to frighten foxes.

Sorry i can't handle the signing in part. Rod The Brit

Brain Bliss