Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Bush admits Iraq war helped extremists

I believe in freedom of speech, so much so that I spent 20 years on active duty in the US Navy and 10 years in the reserves protecting that freedom.

I believe people by and large should be able to say what they want and let the truth will out.

I also believe in the old saying that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but no one is entitled to their own facts.

Main stream media's left wing agenda, spinning and lying have been exposed over and over again by bloggers and it is bloggers who expose the same in blogs.

I have exposed one such odious blogger before, inappropriately named A Logical Voice.

Why do I point him out? Because he epitomizes left wing nut jobs. You don't have to take my word for it, that's why I linked to him.

In his blind ignorance and hate for America he grabs any anti-American headline and uses his blog as an echo chamber for the left. Truth and facts do not matter as long as it fits his America bashing machine.

He recently left a comment on my blog and posted an article on his blog about an article by AFP carried by the Australian newspaper The Age.

The title of the Age article and his blog post is this: "Bush admits Iraq war helped extremists". And the first paragraph says this:

Some of George W Bush's decisions, like the war in Iraq, had helped Islamic extremists in their public relations battle with the United States, the president said in an interview broadcast today.

Pictures of Muslims dancing and cheering in the streets after 9/11 tell you they need no help in the public relations battle. If there were any lingering doubts in the Muslim world the Islamic extremists used the invasion of Afghanistan to dispel those doubts.

The headline says that and the first paragraph alleges that, but what did Bush really say?

"I've made some very difficult decisions that made public diplomacy in (the) Muslim world difficult. One was obviously attacking Iraq," the president told CNN in a question-and-answer session days before his second term begins.

Now does that sound anything remotely like "Bush admits Iraq war helped extremists"? He may have made, as he puts it, "public diplomacy in (the) Muslim world difficult" but I doubt seriously if the terrorists being killed in Iraq feel that Bush is "helping" them. Zarqawi's last plea for help is proof of that.

It is legacy media like the AFP, The BBC and the Age and blogs like his that aid Islamic extremists and terrorists by propagating their propaganda.

As I said, he is entitled to his opinion and I respect that. He is, however, not entitled to his "own facts" and I will expose that.

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