Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Bush Election - Exit Poll Problems

Fox News is reporting "Problems Found With '04 Exit Polls".

NEW YORK — Two firms that conducted Election Day exit polls for major news organizations reported Wednesday that they found a number of problems with the way the polls were carried out last year, resulting in estimates that overstated John Kerry's share of the vote.

Note this is their own report on themselves.

Who do they blame?

Edison Media Research (search) and Mitofsky International (search) found that the Democratic challenger's supporters were more likely than President Bush's supporters to participate in exit polls interviews. They also found that more errors occurred in exit polls conducted by younger interviewers, and about half of the interviewers were 34 or under.

Kerry supporters and the interviewers. They had to. All the major networks pooled their money and paid for the exit polls that were totally out of sync with the real vote.

But who was really responsible for the bogus exit polls? Slate has the answer.

Media Mitofsky/Lenski exit poll appears to have surfaced--in New Zealand! Mystery Pollster points the way to this file posted on the Scoop website. It is one of several that "appear to be actual internal Election Day reports generated by Edison/Mitofsky," according to MP. ... What it shows: As late as 7:33 P.M. on Election Day, Mitofsky and Lenski were apparently telling their clients (NBC, CBS, CNN, AP, etc.) that after "weighting" Kerry was beating Bush by 9 points among women and losing by only 4 among men. By 1:24 P.M. the next day (see this file) revised results revealed that, in fact, Kerry won women by only 3 points while Bush won men by 11 points. Whoops! ... It wasn't the dumb bloggers who didn't understand on Nov. 2 that they were being prematurely leaked "complex displays intended for trained statisticians," as Mitofsky would have it--or the dumb Kerry aides and dumb Bush aides who believed the same leaked numbers. It was that the weighted results Mitofsky's statisticians put out were full of it! ...

Now, remember how CBS and Dan Rather used forged documents in an attempt to steal the election from Bush? Guess who Mitofsky used to work for? CBS

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Brain Bliss