Friday, January 14, 2005

CBS and Rather's "crime"

Finally, someone in big media call the Rathergate scandal what it is, a crime.

Charles Krauthammer, writing in todays Washington Post, calls CBS's and Dan Rather's attempt to steal the presidential elections, just what it is, a crime.

First comes the crime: Dan Rather's late hit on President Bush's Air National Guard service, featuring what were almost immediately revealed to be forged documents.

Then comes the coverup: 12 days of CBS stonewalling, with Dan Rather using his evening news platform to (a) call his critics "partisan political operatives," (b) claim falsely that the documents were authenticated by experts, and (c) claim that he had "solid sources," which turned out to be a rabid anti-Bush partisan with a history of, shall we say, prolific storytelling.

Read the whole thing, it is one of the best takes on Rathergate.

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Brain Bliss