Monday, January 17, 2005

Iraq - Voters Back Leaders Policies

The world's liberal press would have you believe that the world is united against America's policies in Iraq and indeed the war on terror.

Fortunately, the voters are smart enough to make up their own minds.

In Australia, PM Howard was re-elected and gained seats in both houses.

Likewise in America, President Bush won an historic victory and he too gained seats in both houses. And Bush's approval rating is rising.

Time Magazine's latest poll seems to back him up.


And now it appears British PM Tony Blair is set to be re-elected.

LONDON (AFP) - British Prime Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites) received another dose of good cheer ahead of a general election expected in May, as an opinion poll tipped the main opposition party to score its worst result for almost a century.

In further good news for the premier, within an hour of the poll being released, a member of Parliament for the opposition Conservative Party announced he was defecting to Blair's Labour Party.

Former Conservative government minister Robert Jackson said Blair should remain prime minister for the good of the country, calling his former party's policies "dangerous" and "incoherent".

Notice how the AFP paint this as a defeat for the opposition instead of a victory for Blair.

Seems the British public are not buying the British press's "Blair is Bush's poodle" mantra.

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Brain Bliss