Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Iraqi Victim Says U.S. Torture Worse Tha[n] Saddam

Leave it to al Reuters to use this headline.

FORT HOOD, Texas (Reuters) - A former inmate at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison forced by U.S. guards to masturbate in public and piled onto a pyramid of naked men said on Tuesday even Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein did not do such things.

Wrong? Yes. Abuse? Yes? But torture? Bullshit!

Fingers cut off, hands cut off, feet cut off without anesthetics, that is torture.

Being fed feet first, while alive, into a shredder or being fed, while alive, to a pair of Dobermens, that is torture.

Having your fingernails ripped out or being thrown from a two story building, that is torture.

Being tied daily to a tree stump outside your cell and gang raped in front of your family, that is torture.

Forcing the Iraqi soccer team to kick a concrete ball around because of poor performance in international soccer, that is torture.

And all of this torture was carried out by Saddam.

Where is al Reuters outrage over all of that? Where is al Reuters outrage at the beheading of innocent people in Iraq. Where is al Reuters outrage at the terrorists atrocities in Iraq. Where is al Reuters outrage at Palestinian suicide bombers.

Reading al Reuters, now that is torture.

Perhaps this fellow would have preferred that we had turned him over to one of the opposing factions?


I ment to include this Abu Ghraib prison test.

Take the test and see if the press has managed to poison every aspect of this story.

For example, I'll give you question number one. Did you know that all of the Abu Ghraib pictures are from just one night?

This, despite the fact that "Seymour Hersh (and others) insisted frequently that there were thousands of photos available: "This is a generation that sends stuff on CDs, sends it around. some kid right now is negotiating with some European magazine. -- You know, I can't say that for sure, but it's there. -- It's out there. And the Army knows it." As of this writing no additional pictures have surfaced."

You owe it to yourself to take the test.

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Brain Bliss