Sunday, January 16, 2005

Islam - Tactics for World War IV

Earlier today I posted about Islam's declaration of war on the West.

The Red Zone has an article about the tactics being used by Islam in World War IV - "social redoubts".

Consistently brilliant, Paul Wretchard of Belmont Club was never more so when he noted on January 13 how

Middle Eastern warfare, beginning in modern times from the Franco-Algerian war in the 1960s favored a strategic withdrawal by its militarily weaker forces into social redoubts, defended not by concrete fortifications but by nearly impenetrable barriers of kinship, language and religion. America might deploy a million men to Iraq and physically control every inch of ground, but unless it could reach into this social fortress it could never successfully engage the enemy.

Bullseye, Mr. Wretchard. Mabrook.

Today across the globe, we witness Muslims erecting "social redoubts" wherever their culture is under stress. In places like Falluja, Samarra and Baghdad, leaders utilize the politics of grievance and the terror of assassination to prevent their followers from participating in Iraq's democratic future. In working-class neighborhoods across Europe, first-generation immigrants and alienated Muslim youths
are refusing to assimilate, even as they increasingly demand that the majority culture tolerates their beliefs--or else. In madrases across the Middle East, students receive education in religious studies rather than science and world literature (this is a culture, let us recall, that in a millennium has translated less books into Arabic than Spain translates into Spanish each year), even as wild and irrational conspiracy theories further limit and sequester their imaginations.

"Muslims everywhere live in slavery to fundamentalist Islam," says Hasan Mahmoud, a member of the
Muslim Canadian Congress. "Their leaders force them to live in an unreal world where they are told they are the greatest nation on earth."

A must read!

What to do about the war that has been delcared against us? Well, for a start,

As Manji writes in The Trouble With Islam.

Non-Muslims do the world no favors by pushing the moral mute button as soon as Muslims start speaking. Dare to ruin the moment.

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