Monday, January 03, 2005

New York Times fears blogs

You can just smell the fear from this New York Times article about blogs.

But the blogosphere's tendency toward crackpot theorizing and political smack down could not be suppressed for long.


Mr. Surowiecki pointed out that there is nothing new about ill-informed rumor-mongering or other forms of oddness. "There were always cranks," he said. "Rumors have always been fundamental about the way people talk, or think, about politics or complicated issues." Instead of a corner bar or a Barcalounger, however, the location for today's speech is an online medium with a potential audience of millions.

Tell that to Dan Rather and CBS.

And to prove the Times still doesn't understand blogs,

On Democratic Underground, a blog for open discussion and an online gathering place for people who hate the Bush administration ...

The DU is not a blog it is a bulletin board or discussion forum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As should all the MSM. Blog revenue has been growing rapidly for over a year. It skyrocketed after Rathergate; but fell off the edge of the world after Nov. But it still grew rapidly in 04. The MSM has seen their revenue tread water. They are all scared, and with good reason.
Rod Stanton

Brain Bliss