Friday, January 07, 2005

Silent Muslim Majority IS the Problem

Front Page has an article echoing something I've been saying for a long time.

I am overwhelmed with sadness over the state of the Muslim world. I am looking at the photograph of an Iranian woman about to be stoned to death in Iran, buried to her waste in dirt to keep her from running away.

A few weeks ago, I read about a 14 year-old Iranian boy who died after receiving 85 lashes for the ‘sin’ of eating in public in the month of Ramadan. Salah Uddin Choudhury has been in prison for one year in Bangladesh for the ‘crime’ of urging his nation to recognize Israel and advocating interfaith dialogue among equals as well as warning against the growing power of Islamists in Bangladesh.

What are Muslim community activists in America doing about their homegrown brutal human rights violations? They are silent.

The picture of the stoned woman has been seen by some Muslims I know in the Middle East and also fellow Americans, Christians and Jews. The first reaction by the Muslims was “what did she do?” while the first reaction by Americans was “How could this happen?”

And for historical context:

2000 years after Christianity abandoned stoning as a form of punishment, Islam still continues to practice it.

While Iraq's Muslim brothers in other countries did nothing to help end Saddam's reign of terror, they are quick to attack Americans who freed them. Even though the country was still very dangerous, Margret Hassan, British, stayed to help the Iraqi people. What did Muslim women in the area do? Very little.

These hijab-wearing Muslim women expressed no outrage over the brutal murder of Margaret Hassan in Iraq, a British woman who dedicated 30 years of her life to helping Iraqis. How many properly covered up Saudi, gulf state, Egyptian, Syrian or Jordanian women went to Iraq, Iran, Algeria or Sudan, to help their sisters and brothers in Islam as did Margaret Hassan? The answer is practically none. That job was usually left to Westerners who do it out of their Judeo-Christian inspired sense of humanity.

And now we have a disaster on an unimaginable scale in an area of mostly Muslims. Who is doing the most to help? The West. Many Muslim countries say the area deserved it or it was God's will and donate little in relief aid.

If disasters such as 9/11, 3/11, Beslan and now this tsunami, have taught the world anything, it is that Islam and Muslims need to change.

Here is what 25 years of Islam has done for Iran. Graphic Warning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "Silent Majority" isn't the is the "Logical Voices".

Brain Bliss