Friday, January 07, 2005

UK Christians Burn TV Licenses

Now this is interesting.

LONDON (Reuters) - Christian protesters set fire to their television licenses outside the BBC's London offices on Friday as outrage spread over the public broadcaster's plans to air a profanity-laden musical.

In the award-winning London show "Jerry Springer -- The Opera," viewers can watch a diaper fetishist confess all to his true love, catch a tap dance routine by the Ku Klux Klan and see Jesus and the Devil locked in a swearing match.

Michael Reid, a pastor and self-styled bishop who organized the peaceful demonstration ahead of the airing on Saturday evening, called the musical "filth."

Of course setting fire to the license is symbolic since to get the license you have to have already paid the fee. The BBC have their money already - burn away.

How come nobody burns their Sky viewing card in protest over al Jazeera? Perhaps that is because that would be real money and not just symbolic.

Strangely, The BBC seemed to be on the other side of the fence when it came to the Skihs protest over a play, for they quoted The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham, the Most Reverend Vincent Nichols as saying:

"Such a deliberate, even if fictional, violation of the sacred place of the Sikh religion demeans the sacred places of every religion."

Ironically, the BBC director had this to say:

"People say to us 'why can't you treat us like adults, it's our choice, why don't you let us choose what we see and hear?"' said BBC director general Mark Thompson.

Oh yeah, Oh yeah, I await the day we see a show or movie critical of Islam.

People should be able to say whatever they want about any religion, including Islam and in this day and age, especially Islam. If any religion can't stand up to the criticism of us lowly mortals, what good is it? It reminds me of the Monty Python movie, "The Life of Brian", where the guy gets stoned (no not that kind of stoned) for merely uttering the name "Johoseph". How absurd.

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Brain Bliss