Friday, May 20, 2005

Britain - "Moderate" Muslims Go Mad

This is London reports on the protest in London by Muslims organized by the so called "moderate" voice of Muslims in the UK.

Muslim protesters today called for the bombing of New York in a demonstration outside the US embassy in London.

There were threats of "another 9/11" from militants angry at reports of the desecration of the Koran by US troops in Iraq.

Some among the crowd burned an effigy of Tony Blair on a crucifix and then set fire to a Union flag and a Stars and Stripes.

Notice burning of a crucifix and a Union flag as well as a Stars and Stripes? The Union flag burning is significant because it shows this is not about the Koran incident at all. As a picture, which I'll post next, shows, this is about Islam taking over the world.
So who organized it?

The protest was organised by groups including the Muslim Council for Britain and the Muslim Parliamentary Association of the UK.

The MCB knows passions are running high and hijacked these feelings to further its agenda to turn Britain into and Islamic state. Don't believe me? Just listen.

One of the protesters called for the release of radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza. He shouted: "Your so-called democracy will fall under the sword of Allah. The day of judgment is coming."

And it will if the people of Britain don't wake up the snake in their midst's.

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Brain Bliss