Thursday, May 05, 2005

Lebanon - Palestinians halt UN inspectors

The Daily times reports "Syrian-backed Palestinian guerrillas fired shots into the air on Wednesday after banning a United Nations team from entering a base in eastern Lebanon, Lebanese security sources said."

Now their guerrillas instead of terrorists.

“One man was standing at the entrance of the camp and would not allow the team to enter, and told them that it is a Palestinian camp not a Syrian post,” a security source said. The PFLP-GC said the team was not allowed into the base because the guerrillas were not expecting them and were not sure of their identity. “It was a misunderstanding. Our people were not expecting them and they were taken by surprise,” a PFLP-GC official said.

That's the whole point dumbass. The UN was supposed to be checking the base to see if the Syrians had left regardless of whose there now.

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Brain Bliss