Friday, July 08, 2005

Britain - BBC: London Attacks Our Fault

Paul Reynolds exemplifies the defeatism that is the BBC's hallmark.

Here's the BBC headline:

Bombers turn screw on UK government

You see it's the bombers who have the upper hand and are turning the screws. And their target is the British government, despite the fact the bombers blew up trains and buses carrying ordinary citizens and the British elections are already over.

So, without further ado, Reynolds and the BBC throw in the towel and accept blame for the terrorist attacks and all in the first paragraph.

Given its current policies, the British government is left with few options in the aftermath of the London bombings.

You see? It's our policies and therefore our fault the terrorists attacked Britain. If only we would get out of Iraq the attacks would stop, is the BBC's assertion. Well, 8 million Iraqis defied the terrorists, stood their ground and voted. I think we'll stand our ground if you don't mind, Reynolds.

Instead of reporting the news, Reynolds engages in sheer speculation.

The contrast with the political impact of the Madrid attacks of a year ago, which killed 191 people, is significant.

In Spain, three days after the bombs, voters voted out Jose Maria Aznar, who had supported the invasion of Iraq, and voted in Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, who did not.

No one knows for sure if that's why Spain voted the way they did. There was tremendous animosity towards Aznar when he initially tried to blame the Spain attacks on ETA and not al Qaeda.

In Britain, voters took a decision in the recent general election to keep Tony Blair in power, not, it is reckoned, because of Iraq, but despite Iraq.

Reckoned by whom? Reynolds?

It could be said that if al-Qaeda or one of its loosely affiliated groups was behind the London attacks, then this was al-Qaeda's response to that election.

It could equally be said that this had nothing to do with the elections because if it had anything to do with the elections al Qaeda would have struck before the election not after. Somehow this fact escapes Reynolds.

Next Reynolds again asserts it's our fault.

The timing appears to have been connected to the G8 summit - but that is tactics. The strategy is what really counts, and the strategy appears to be aimed at punishing Britain and trying to get it to change its own policies.

Now comes the Iraq connection.

Britain therefore remains in the front line, and the option of withdrawing from Iraq and minimizing the risk of further attacks is not presently open to British voters.

Reynolds and the BBC run up the white flag of surrender. If only we would capitulate to the demands of the terrorists who have just killed over 50 and wounded over 700 innocent British citizens, things would be alright.

Not content at alluding to who is at fault here, Reynolds lays it on the table.

They have taken their decision and must accept the consequences.

It's our fault for electing Blair! That's right, Reynolds is blaming the British public for yesterday's terrorist attacks on London.

Reynolds then descends into self loathing and says we should just give up, listing what he considers a whole host of concessions made in the past. And blames us yet again!

The London bombings seem to signal, too, a failure of the British government's hope that it could divert attention from Iraq by concentrating, for example, on helping the Palestinians achieve an independent state.

Is there anyone in this country who believes attention could be diverted away from Iraq? The British media are constantly rooting for the terrorists in Iraq. And notice the condescending inference that helping the Palestinians is just a diversion?

Reynolds, you are a scumbag and your BBC is a scumbag organization.

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Brain Bliss