Monday, July 11, 2005

Britain - Hijacking Bombing Mourning: Update

Yesterday I exposed how the communist led anti-war movement ( see here and here) and some Muslim leaders hijacked the mourning of the London bombing victims. The BBC, ever quick to champion the anti war movements cause, gave full coverage to their "vigil" without a word said about the speakers.

Of course there was the disgusting George Galloway, he never misses a chance to speak for the terrorists.

But one of the Muslim leaders caught the eye of Biased BBC.

In an interview with the Spanish daily La Vanguardia titled 'I Admire the Taliban, They Are Courageous' in late 2001, Al-Tamimi claimed that the September 11 attacks brought joy to the Arab world. He begins by assuring the interviewer that "everyone" in the Arab world cheered upon seeing the Twin Towers fall. "Excuse me," says the interviewer, "did you understand my question?" Al-Tamimi: "In the Arab and Muslim countries, everyone jumped for joy. That's what you asked me, isn't it?"

There's lots more.

The aim of all this nonsense is to force blame onto us and portray the Muslim bombers as the victims. It's clear whose side these people are on, all you have to do is listen.

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