Monday, November 07, 2005

Iraq - BBC Bias As Usual

And from gasbag John Simpson as usual.

Writing about the riots in France, gasbag Simpson just can't help himself.

No matter that events have thoroughly borne out his criticisms of the US and British invasion of Iraq in 2003. The Muslim teenagers who briefly applauded him then have long since forgotten all that - though of course if he had supported President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair then, he would be in even greater trouble now.

What events would those be Simpson?

Events like holding elections, drafting a constitution and passing a referendum approving that constitution, and the liberation of 25 million people. Are those the events you refer to Simpson?

Of course we now know why France didn't support us in the war. They were bribed by Saddam. Failed to mention that didn't you Simpson.

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Brain Bliss