Saturday, January 07, 2006

Blogroll Addition

I've added BBC Eye to the blog roll under UK media watch. Check him out.

Sample posts:

Quiet over Peace
Interesting to note how the BBC is strangely silent on the Muslim Council of Britain's botcott of Holocaust Memorial Day. Normally the BBC can't get enough of the Religion of Peace. Why the sudden reticence?

posted by Cerdic at 9:59 AM 0 comments

Thursday, January 05, 2006
It's only words...
Five Live Drivel continues to not surprise. In awaiting Charles Kennedy's statement (no, not 'mine's a pint), they said that the Shadow Cabinet was split over his possible departure. Since the Shadow Cabinet is currently Conservative (I know the BBC hopes the LibDums will become the official opposition, but really), I suspect they're fervently hoping Good Time Charlie stays put. The LibDem Frontbench are another matter entirely. But then, facts and the BBC.....

posted by Cerdic at 4:51 PM 0 comments


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