Sunday, January 15, 2006

France has no confidence in their leaders

The worlds press gleefully report on Bush's poll numbers but not France's crisis.

Do you have confidence in president Jacques Chirac to face France’s problems?

Jan. 2006 Dec. 2005 Nov. 2005


21% 26% 24%

No confidence

72% 74%

Do you have confidence in prime minister Dominique de Villepin to face France’s problems?

Jan. 2006 Dec. 2005 Nov. 2005


43% 45% 39%

No confidence

50% 55%

So, the overwhelming majority of French have no confidence in their leaders.

Why do you suppose the BBC isn't reporting this? Here's why.

It is never obvious on what side of the fence Chirac is going to stand, and his decisions often surprise. But his strength of character, as well as his considerable charm, make him a valuable ally and leading light on the international political stage. He remains one to watch.

The light grows dim.

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Brain Bliss