Monday, January 09, 2006

Iraq - Murtha "worried" about victory

Ace has the story.

"A year ago, I said we can't win this militarily, and I got all kinds of criticism." Now, Murtha told the strongly antiwar audience, "I worry about a slow withdrawal which makes it look like there's a victory when I think it should be a redeployment as quickly as possible and let the Iraqis handle the whole thing."

A couple of points.

First, note that Murtha says he said we couldn't win a year ago. So much for the media's "surprise" when he recently repeated it.

Second, victory in Iraq is what the Democrats fear most.

No attacks on the US since 9/11, victory in Afghanistan and victory in sight in Iraq all add up to defeat for the Democrats - and they know it.

Ace also points out what the left really think.

Reaction at the liberal blog, The Left Coaster, to the latest message from al-Qaeda's number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri:

I have to admit it is fun to see Al Qaeda play Bush like a violin.


Yes, they both are.

And as Ace notes, don't question their patriotism.

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Brain Bliss