Saturday, January 14, 2006

UK - Galloway loses respect

When I heard disgraced MP Galloway was going on the Big Brother show, I was delighted. I knew he'd make an even bigger ass of himself. I wasn't disappointed.

The Repect Party MP, who last year lambasted the United States Senate over the war in Iraq, crouched on all fours, purring and licking imaginary milk from the hands of the actress Rula Lenska.

She then rubbed the "cream" from his "whiskers" and stroked his head and behind his ears before he put his head on her lap.

Think about it for a minute. Galloway was elected in an area that is dominated by Muslims and he ran on a platform of attacking his female opponent's Jewish background.

How do you think his Muslim backers, who consider women second class citizens, feel now?

Mr Galloway, 51, faced an immediate backlash from residents of his Bethnal Green and Bow constituency, east London, who voted for him last May.

He further angered conservative Muslims, who make up the bulk of his support, when he told his housemates, including glamour models, entertainers and minor pop stars, that his favourite pursuits were sex and sunbathing.

Good. They got what they deserve.

Can Galloway be recalled and new elections held?

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Brain Bliss