Sunday, January 15, 2006

UK - Islam: Silencing Free Speech

There's no other words for it.

Read the list of leading Muslims who signed up to this:

We are deeply concerned about the breakdown of basic family values and the undermining of the key institution of marriage in Britain today. All Britons, whether they are in favour of homosexuality or not, should be allowed to freely express their views in an atmosphere free of intimidation or bullying. We cannot claim to be a truly free and open society while we are trying to silence dissenting views.

No shit!! So, you guys are ok with my "freely" expressed views that Islam is a barbaric and evil religion? Salman Rushdie can freely express his views can he? Denmark is free to print cartoons of your prophet are they? Van Gogh was free to criticize your treatment of your women was he? One is free to criticize Islam in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia or any Islamic country is one? One can freely express their Christianity in Saudi Arabia can one?

Bullshit!! It is you Muslims who are trying to silence dissenting views and who do the intimidating and bullying.

Anyone should be allowed to criticize gays, that's free speech. But for you guys to try and claim the moral high ground of free and open speech, is laughable.

The Guardian of all people, has similar views. Scroll down to this:

"Let's do a deal with the bigots"

As Evan Harris, the Liberal Democrat MP, pointed out, the MCB has not returned the compliment. It's all for freedom of speech when it comes to laying into gays. It also believes that the government has no right to ban the glorification of terrorism.

When it comes to freedom of speech about religion, however, it's a very different matter. At the height of The Satanic Verses affair in 1988, Sacranie said that 'death was perhaps too easy' for Salman Rushdie. This did not stop New Labour almost tripping over its feet as it rushed to embrace the MCB when it came to power in 1997. As well as knighting Sacranie, it responded to his lobbying by putting before parliament a law against incitement of religious hatred. In their attempts to keep this unelected homophobe in their big tent, New Labour is prepared to ignore its more liberal supporters - and the conclusively argued opposition of the House of Lords - and force the bill through.

Rushdie is close to despair. 'If Sir Iqbal Sacranie is the best Mr Blair can offer in the way of a good Muslim, we have a problem,' he said last year.

I say let's not despair, let's deal. We'll allow fundamentalists to express their funny views about homosexuality. In return, they can allow us to express our views about them. We might call our compromise 'a free society'.

Good, very good. Even the left are starting to wake up to the enemy in their midist. Is it too late?

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Brain Bliss