Tuesday, January 17, 2006

US - Al Gore's loses memory

How else can you explain it?

The Guardian says "Gore launches bruising attack on Bush over wiretapping"

The former vice-president Al Gore launched a withering attack on the White House yesterday for authorising wiretaps without court oversight, and accused President George Bush of repeatedly breaking the law.

What the Guardian doesn't tell you is that Gore and Clinton both did the same thing when they were in office.

Bill Clinton expanded the use of warrantless searches in 1994:

In 1994, President Clinton expanded the use of warrantless searches to entirely domestic situations with no foreign intelligence value whatsoever. In a radio address promoting a crime-fighting bill, Mr. Clinton discussed a new policy to conduct warrantless searches in highly violent public housing projects.

On December 20th Glenn Reynolds noted this CATO Institute Report published back in 1997:

The Clinton administration has repeatedly attempted to play down the significance of the warrant clause. In fact, President Clinton has asserted the power to conduct warrantless searches, warrantless drug testing of public school students, and warrantless wiretapping...

Yes, Gore let's have that investigation shall we?

While we're at it Gore, can we please see Independent Counsel David Barrett's entire report on the Clinton's illegal use of the IRS and Justice department?

Back to the Guardian, note this:

Mr Gore, who lost the 2000 election to Mr Bush following the intervention of the supreme court, also went further than other Democratic critics in accusing the president of wrongdoing.

Notice how Gore "lost" the election instead of Bush won it? Also notice how Gore "lost" because the Supreme Court "intervened"? What the Supreme Court decided was that enough recounts had already been done. Later recount studies showed that Bush won the election fair and square.

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Brain Bliss