Wednesday, January 11, 2006

US - Military Exceeding Recruitment Goals

But the AP does all it can to downplay the good news.

Just look at the headline for a start: "Army Meets December Recruiting Goal".

And yet in the first sentence we are told:

The Army exceeded its monthly recruiting goal in December but must still pick up the pace to meet its target of 80,000 for the budget year ending Sept. 30.

The Army didn't "meet" its goal as the AP headline misleads you, it exceeded its goal.

The lies continue...

December was the seventh consecutive month that the Army met its goal.

But as this graph shows, the Army exceeded its goal in October and was at 105% of its goal.

And the Army exceeded its goal by 5% in November.

In addition, re-enlistment is far exceeding goals with some units re-enlisting at well over 100% of their goals - in Iraq.

Note this from the AP story:

The Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps also exceeded their monthly recruiting goals — which were all two to three times the Army's number. All four military services also met or exceeded their reenlistment goals for the month.

Not surprising, since the left wing media routinely fake stories as well.

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Brain Bliss