Thursday, February 16, 2006

US - Hillary speaks out on Cheney

and hopes you forget about "HER OWN 30 HOUR DELAY in telling her own husband about the suicide note left behind by Vince Foster!"

The same day Hillary Clinton was scheduled to speak at the Democratic National Convention, newly released documents suggest she was behind the 30-hour delay in releasing late White House counsel Vincent Foster's suicide note to authorities.

Isn't evidence tampering a crime? Oh yeah, I forgot, she's a Clinton.

Of course this wasn't the first time Hillary tampered with evidence.

And, who could forget that it took two years for billing records that were under subpoena to show up mysteriously at the Clinton's personal residence at the White House!

Mr. BURTON of Indiana: Mr. Speaker, Newsweek magazine reported this week that the FBI had discovered Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton's fingerprints on billing records from the Rose law firm discovered at the White House in January. These billing records have been under subpoena and could not be found for over 2 years. Nobody knew where they were. And yet, just recently, they were found in President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton's personal residence at the White House by Mrs. Clinton's secretary.


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Brain Bliss