Tuesday, March 14, 2006

US - New York Times phony Abu Ghraib story

I'm not surprised by this.

The New York Times has been caught peddling a phony front page story about Abu Ghraib, an interview with a man who said he was the infamous hooded prisoner: N.Y. Times’ Iraq Detainee Story Challenged.

Not surprised at all.

Newsweek fabricated a story about Koran descecration at Guantanamo.

CBS and Dan Rather tried to use forged documents to smear Bush. Just last month, CBS was caught faking a poll. And they were recently caught faking more documents.

Hell, the media fake stories all the time.

It's not limited to America either. The BBC do it all the time as well.

That's why I call them the lying left wing media. Thank God they're dying out.

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Brain Bliss