Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Islam - What's it like living under Sharia?

Since 40% of Muslims in the UK want to live under Sharia or Islamic law, I wonder what that's like?

Germany's finding out it's not so good.

The letter said teachers had lost all authority and were now so afraid that they only entered classrooms with a mobile phone so they could call for help in an emergency.

"The mood ... is dominated by aggression, lack of respect and ignorance," said the letter, adding: "We have reached a dead end and there is no way to turn around."

When reporters went to school on Thursday they were pelted with paving stones by masked youths from the schoolyard as the district's mayor stood helplessly at the entrance of the building.

So what's the cause of all of this?

Teachers complain that over 83 per cent of the 224 children attending the school are foreigners. The biggest group, 35 per cent, are Arab children mainly from Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. [...]

A problem in German schools is that especially Arab male students often refuse to respect the authority of women teachers, education sources told Deutsche Presse-Agentur.


Integration of foreign youths in Berlin is often poor. Even second and third generation children frequently do not speak fluent German and many fail to complete school - all of which leads to a high jobless rate among immigrant youths.

But to hear Muslims tell it, it's all our fault.

When some German school girls visited France they found something similar.

German schoolgirls came for a scholar exchange to Saine-Saint-Denis. But to the eyes of the “jeunes” of the neighborhood (“young people”, another expression to designate people coming from immigration, copyright political correctness) they were dressed a little bit too “sexy”. The gang of “jeunes” therefore started to throw them stones.

The “jeunes” stones throwers reproached them to dress in a shocking way, and especially to wear skirts. Interviewed by the journalist, some Arabic girls spoke of provocation :

-“This is our neighborhood, this is the 9-3” (read nine-three).

-“We don’t want them to come in our neighborhood dressed like bitches”.

And in countries dominated by Islam it's even worse.

Britain is headed that way too.

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Brain Bliss