Saturday, April 08, 2006

Palestinian heads attack aid cut

As usual, it's what's missing from this BBC report that is important.

The BBC fails to mention that both the EU and the US have labeled Hamas a terrorist organization and that Hamas continues to call for the destruction of Israel, a fellow member nation of the UN.

And just so you know that the evil Israelis are to blame, the BBC just toss out this in the middle of the report without mentioning the reasons why.

Meanwhile, six Palestinians were killed on Friday evening in the deadliest attack levelled by Israeli forces in Gaza since the Hamas-led government took office last week.

The strike near Rafah is the latest in a series of air raids in the past few days. A spokesman for Mr Abbas called it a dangerous provocation.

That's it? The Israelis launch the "deadliest attack" since the new government took office and Abbas calls it a dangerous provocaton. Why those evil murdering Israelis. How dare they? Here's how.

The Israeli strike targeted a training camp of the Popular Resistance Committees, an umbrella group for gunmen from various factions, including many with ties to the Islamic militant Hamas. The group has attacked Israeli targets in the past, including planting bombs under tanks.

The Israeli military said the aircraft targeted the car as it was leaving the isolated training camp, and Palestinian police said four missiles were fired.

The car was destroyed and four people inside were instantly killed, police said. Two others died later of their injuries.

One of those killed was the bombmaker.

Cry me a river.

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