Friday, April 07, 2006

US - Plamegate: Where's the beef?

The Left of the blogsphere and the media are all atwitter over this non-scandal, jumping on the "revelation" that Bush was behind leaks to the media. Bull.

In a nutshell, anti-Bush agents in the CIA and other intelligence agencies were leaking selective intelligence to the media in an attempt to undermine the administration. The Left wing media calls them heroes. In an attempt to get the truth out, the adminstration declassifies the intelligence so the public can decide for themselves. The Left wing media calls this a scandal.

Gateway Pundit has a link rich post that debunks all this leftwing smear job.

Powerline has more.

As we get closer to the mid-term elections and the 2008 elections, watch for the Left, aided by their mouth piece the lying left wing media, to try more smear tactics. Just like CBS tried with their forged documents.

The Democrats can't win an election honestly so they have to resort to smears and cheating.


More on the non "leak" here and here

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Brain Bliss