Tuesday, May 02, 2006

BBC 'must improve Mid-East view'

Not it's Mid-East view but its Mid-East reporting must improve.

I wonder why the BBC filed this under the entertainment section?

Be sure and read the PDF report in full for it's a bit more damning than the BBC let on.

One odd recomendation the panel makes for the BBC, is to call acts of terror, say a suicide bomb attack on a bus load of civilans, a terror attack. However, the BBC should refrain from calling the terrorist or the organization he represents, terrorists!

I might do a fuller post on the report later. It's 38 pages long and there are lots that can be argued about. Most notably their main conclusion that the BBC is not systematically biased agains Israel. Any reasonably minded person knows that's a bunch of bull.

There are some glaring ommissions as well. For example, the study covered recent history and noted that Palestinian deaths were covered more than Israeli deaths. Indicating that there are more Palestinians dying than Israelis. That may or may not be true. But what the Panel left out, is the success Israel has had in limiting Palestinian suicide attacks with the security fence and targeted killings of Palestinian terrorist leaders. Also, I'd bet that the majority of the Palestinians killed were terrorists. While the majority, if not all, of the Israelis were innocent civilians. If the report had covered the time frame before these two events, the story would be a lot different.

Anyway have a read and see if you can figure out why the BBC put this in the entertainment section. Freudean slip perhaps?

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Brain Bliss