Friday, July 21, 2006

Lebanon - Omar Bakri refused evacuation

Seems "Frankenstien" was trying to flee his "creation".

Radical preacher Omar Bakri Mohammad, who was banned from Britain last year, was among those who tried to board the ships, although he was turned back.

"Preacher"? What was he a Babtist or something? Strange, in their profile of him The BBC describe him thus:

The self-styled radical cleric caused a media storm after the London bombings, declaring that the only people he blames for the London bombings are the government and British public.

Until the order allowing him indefinite leave to remain in the UK was revoked - thus excluding him from British soil - the government had also named him as one of three people it was investigating for having possibly committed treason.

Asked whether he condemned those inspired by Osama Bin Laden, he said: "Why [would] I condemn Osama Bin Laden for? I condemn Tony Blair. I condemn George Bush. I would never condemn Osama Bin Laden or any Muslims."

The Sun has lots more.

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Brain Bliss