Friday, August 04, 2006

Islam - Know your enemy

Know your enemy is the first rule of all warfare. To that end here are a couple of documents to aid you in your knowledge.

First is MANAGEMENT OF SAVAGERY - al Qaeda's master plan for defeating the West. Here it is in PDF form. Download "Stealing al-Qa`ida's Playbook"

Here's what al Qaeda's plan calls for.

Some countries are particularly ripe for jihadi incursion: Jordan, Nigeria, Pakistan and Yemen, as well as North West Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. These areas were selected by Al Qaeda because of each region's geographic features, weak central governments, the receptivity of the people and the proliferation of weapons and jihadi propaganda. The plan, according to Naji, is to conduct small- to medium-scale attacks on crucial infrastructure (like oil or tourism), which will cause the government to draw in its security forces. Chaos or "savagery" will erupt in the unpoliced areas.

Then, the jihadis will move into these security vacuums and provide basic services to people, who will welcome an end to the instability. The final goal is to establish a single global state ruled by a pious Muslim dictator, the caliph, who will implement a strict interpretation of Islamic law.

You can see a text book example of the execution of al Qaeda's plan in Somalia.

MOGADISHU, Somalia Jul 30, 2006 (AP)— The first commercial flight in a decade departed Mogadishu's newly reopened international airport Sunday, demonstrating how Islamic militants have pacified the once-anarchic capital and much of southern Somalia. [...]

The prime minister of Somalia's largely powerless government, meanwhile, survived a close no-confidence vote that exposed the divisions in his administration, which watched helplessly as the militants seized power.

The Islamic militia imposed strict religious courts after taking hold of the capital and surrounding areas last month, raising fears of a Taliban-style hard-line regime.

Second is al Qaeda's plan to use the West's system of democracy against us. You can read that here. Here are the basic points.

American laws will protect us.

Democrats and Leftist will support us.

UNO will legitimize us. (United Nations Organization)

CAIR will incubate us. (Council on American-Islamic Relations)

ACLU will empower us. (American Civil Liberties Union)

Western Universities will educate us.

Mosques will shelter us

OPEC will finance us

Hollywood will love us.

Koffi Annan will pass politically correct sympathetic statement for Jihadists.”

Everyone one of those is being employed on a daily basis.

Similar tactics are being employed here in Britain.

In fact, Britain seems the most vulnerable. Tony Blair has Muslim terror sympathizers for advisors, leftish politicians champion militant Muslim causes, the British media, led by the BBC and the Guardian, spreads thier propaganda, Muslim appeasement is rampant, immigration is out of control and the British public are in denial.

How bad is it in Britain? So bad that the BBC is set to air, less than one month before the anniversary of 9/11, an Oscar style "Terrorism Awards". As the Daily Mail reported 'The Terrorism Awards' are hosted by BBC election veteran Peter Snow and Tomorrow's World presenter Philippa Forrester." The show features a video of a 747 being flown into Parliament and a photo of Tony Blair shot in the head. Al Qaeda could not have produced a better show. I'm only slightly surprised the BBC didn't include video of the attack on the Twin towers.

If Britain doesn't wake up soon, we may yet see the flag of Islam fly over Number 10.

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Brain Bliss