Here's a screen shot of the BBC's 2000 report.

While the headline and the two highlighted paragraphs make it clear the BBC is talking about "desertions" at record levels, paragraph three lumps desertions and awol together and says 1 in 48 either deserted or went awol. After my original post the BBC stealth edited their latest story and included awol numbers. Here is a screen shot of the original BBC report that prompted my post.

Here's a screen shot of the BBC report as it now looks and the one which my link will take you to.

Notice how talk of awol has now been added. People can argue the nuances of my argument against the BBC all they want. But you have to ask yourself, why did the BBC erase the original report from Charles and replace it with this heavily edited version that now includes references to awol?
It's clear what message the BBC is trying to send. Here is the headline and first paragraph of the latest version of the report.
At least 1,000 UK soldiers desert
More than 1,000 members of the British military have deserted since the start of the Iraq war, the BBC has learned.
But in paragraph five we are told this:
A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman said the soldiers currently missing were considered to be "absent without leave" and would have to be court martialled before they could be found guilty of deserting.
She added only one person has been found guilty of deserting the Army since 1989.
Since none of those missing during the BBC's timeframe have been convicted, the BBC, with its headline and first paragraph, is at the very least convicting these people in the media without a trial.
What prompted this latest round of argument, was the inclusion of this story in my documentray on the BBC. I find it interesting the commenter seems to have a problem with just this one item in the video. But here is what he had to say on that point. "There is nothing that I saw that I knew to be false or out of context - but I don't trust you enough to take it as the truth." For him and anyone else who needs proof of what's in the video, I will supply my sources upon request - just ask.
For anyone who is new to my site and needs additional proof that the BBC is a left wing, anti-war and anti-American propaganda machine, there's lots more proof here. Just scroll down for updates.
If some how you still need further proof, visit Biased BBC.
After reviewing my Case Against the BBC and visiting Biased BBC you are still not convinced, you are in serious denial or you work for the BBC.
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