Monday, October 23, 2006

Iraq - World Muslim leaders issue fatwa against violence

From the Muslim Public Affairs Committe, a group that bills itself as the UK's leading Muslim civil rights group and is oft quoted by the BBC.

About 50 Iraqi Muslim scholars representing the country’s Shia and Sunni communities met yesterday at the royal palace in Mecca, Saudi Arabia that overlooks the Ka’aba, Islam’s holiest site, and signed an edict (Fatwa) making attacks on Muslims in Iraq a sin.

Er, not quite MPACUK. Attacks on Muslims by Muslims you mean.

The document is aimed at ending bloodshed among Muslims in Iraq and putting an end to the sectarian fighting and the terrorizing of the innocent people there,” Mahdi Fathallah, the director of OIC’s political affairs, said at a press conference on Friday.

Just so you know who side MPACUK is on, listen to this.

Political experts however suggest that bloodshed in Iraq is not a result of sectarian tension, but rather a plot by the Occupation Authority to instigate turmoil in Iraq, that would grant the U.S. an extended military presence in the country.

Those political experts being bin Laden and the BBC.

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Brain Bliss