Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Islam - Blame shared for radicalism

That's according to some Muslims.

"Western policy and prejudice are a reason. But also we've been taught from young, Muslims vs Kafirs, Kafirs vs Muslims. When you have this concept of the other you're opening a whole can of worms," said Zaman, one of about 100 writers at the festival in the cultural capital of Bali.

"If we keep perpetuating these myths, we're walking on a time-bomb," she said. "When you believe that your perception is right and the other is not then how can you discuss?"

This is something I've been saying for a long time. Muslims are taught at home, school and in the mosque to hate us infidels - that we are inferior to them. That's why it's so easy to recruit Muslims to jihad to kill us Kafirs.

"We've acquired a particular notion of truth which serves us in a particular way. Trouble is that some Muslims think they own the truth. The idea of owning the truth is the crux of the problem," said Sardar.

"If you believe you have the perfect truth and you believe you have the right to impose it on others, then there's a problem. This notion negates the very essence of Islam."

Nice to hear Muslims saying this.

via RoP in the comments and Little Bulldogs.

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