Saturday, October 07, 2006

UK - BBC and the veil

Compare what the BBC's panel of Muslims has to say about Straw's comments to what the British public at large are saying. Be sure and note the number of people recommending the commenters points.

The British public are fed up with the Islamization of Britain.

The BBC currently have one dissenter at the top of the comments. But even his comments are easily debunked.

On a Friday evening, around Britain, how many veiled women are arrested for being drunk and disorderly? And how many "normal" women are being arrested for the same reason?

Dan, Hertford

There are several things wrong with this analogy. For starters, we know from Muslims themselves that they sometimes wear the veil during the day and party at night. I've seen photos and videos of Muslim women showing up at parties in a hijab, only to remove it and reveal western clothes underneath and proceed to party. This is common in Iran.

Second, how many of the "normal" women he cites are actually Muslims? Many Muslims drink.

Third, he's saying by implication that Western ("normal") women are drunks. It's the old bikini versus the burqa argument. If you wear a bikini you're somehow immoral and if you wear the burqa you're moral.

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Brain Bliss