Wednesday, October 18, 2006

UK - dramatic about-turn on multiculturalism

Seems many people are waking to the danger the Left pose, including some on the Left.

Reading the papers these days is like being a witness at one long show trial as Left-wing politicians line up to recant just about everything they've ever believed in.

He goes on to list left wing politicians doing just that and observes that it's mostly politics.

The same politicians who are now scratching their heads over the evils of multi-culturalism and the rise of Islamic extremism are those who for the past 20 years have ruthlessly pursued a 'diversity' agenda, encouraging cultural apartheid, elevating foreign religions and practices - however odious - and treating Christians as pariahs.

I can't recall the Cuprinol Kid ever denouncing Labour councils tearing down Christmas trees and banning hot cross buns as 'loopy' even though that was the clear policy of his own party. Perhaps I might be able to summon a smidgen of respect for Jack Straw if, instead of grumbling about the veil, his craven government conjured up the courage to prosecute Islamist maniacs preaching death on the streets of our cities.

What we're seeing is a bunch of cheap headlines and 'eye-catching' initiatives because Labour is rattled

and worried about losing the next election.

Read the rest.

via DFH

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Brain Bliss