Monday, October 23, 2006

UK - How long before this 'good' Islam looks bad?

Rod Liddle reports in the London Times. Scroll down to this.

It is, says everybody, “open season on Muslims”; so nip down to your post office, get yourself a licence and within minutes you too could be in a television studio taking a gratuitous swipe at their awful beards, or their veils, or their apparent dislike of dogs, gays and Jews. In the studio you may well find your arguments countered by an earnest representative of yet another self-appointed pressure group: the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC). These chaps stepped into the void left by the equally non-democratic, Muslim Council of Britain (MCB).

The MCB has been cast into the sulphurous pit marked “Bad Islam”. Once it was introduced by BBC correspondents as the “voice of mainstream, moderate Muslim opinion”. Apparently it no longer is. Yet its views have not changed one bit. The only explanation seems to be that the government no longer believes it represents moderate Islam and the media has tagged along. How long will it be before we find out nasty things about the MPAC?

They already have as Little Bulldogs points out.

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