Tuesday, October 17, 2006

US - Scandalous Democrats embrace corruption

Investors reports on how the Democrats embrace corruption.

Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said of this man censured by his colleagues from both parties in 1983 for having sex with an underage congressional male page:

"Gerry's leadership changed Massachusetts forever and we'll never forget him."

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., called Studds, 69, "a committed environmentalist who worked hard to demonstrate that the cause of working people and the cause of the environment go hand in hand with the right leadership."

Democrat Senator Studds was a pedophile and the Democrats call him a leader!

Doing whatever you want, and getting away with it, seems to be the liberal Democrat mantra. An FBI affidavit says that Rep. William Jefferson accepted a $100,000 bribe last year that he was apparently going to use to pay off a high-ranking Nigerian government official, with $90,000 of the cash found hidden in his freezer at home. Louisiana's state Democratic party committee — no stranger to corruption — even voted on Saturday to deny Jefferson its endorsement for re-election.

Yet he remains a member of Congress, with no Democratic leader calling for his expulsion, or even for disciplinary action.

Clinton had oral sex with a young intern that he preyed on and the Democrats couldn't care less.

The same media neglect involves Rep. Alan Mollohan, D-W.Va. He is being investigated by the FBI regarding nonprofit groups he allegedly help set up with $150 million in pork-barrel spending and business relationships with the administrators of the organizations.

And the granddaddy of them all? Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid's Las Vegas land deal with a longtime friend, a casino lawyer with mob connections, landed him $1.1 million. Now that it's been revealed that Reid apparently violated Senate rules by not mentioning the deal in his Senate financial disclosure documents, he's entered into discussions with the Senate Ethics Committee. So where are the media big guns? If this were the Senate Republican leader, Bill Frist of Tennessee, they would be screaming.

And now Reid's been caught in yet more financial wrongdoing. The Democrats continue tcommittt corruption because they know the left wing media will give scant coverage to it will over blowing anything the Republicans do.

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Brain Bliss