Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Truth is the first Casualty at the BBC

The truth never makes in the door.

Richard is on target but even he still unknowingly defends the BBC.

"The simple fact is that the BBC, like the police, like the CPS and so many other of our public institutions, is scared to death of upsetting Muslims.

No such self-censorship applies when it comes to offending other religious groups.

The BBC went to court to defend its right to "free speech" when it was determined to screen the appalling, puerile Jerry Springer: The Opera - which portrayed Christ as an infantilised, nappy-wearing copraphiliac who was "a little bit gay".

The protests of 47,000 devout Christians counted for nothing. But, then, devout Christians are unlikely to storm Broadcasting House demanding the beheading of the director-general.

Let's say someone was daft enough to write a musical which featured the Prophet Mohammed as an incontinent paedophile. Do you think the BBC would move heaven and earth to broadcast it in the name of defending "free speech"?

Precisely. "

The BBC is not scared Richard, the BBC is on their side.

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Brain Bliss