Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Palin nomination

is giving the Democrats fits.

I think this email is typical of the support Palin is getting.

"My wife was on the fence in this election, and is pro-choice. She does not like McCain, and is lukewarm about Obama and Biden.

The Palin pick energized her to call me from work, email me, and--are you ready?--send in $$ to the McCain camp. I was floored (she voted Kerry last election.) She says the story of Palin (which she spent two hours on line researching) has touched her heart, inspired her, and that is enough. She and her friends are meeting Wednesday for dinner (six to nine women) "to talk about Sarah . . . and Hillary."

Not Governor Palin. "Sarah."

My college daughter is reacting the same way and sent McCain $15.00.
I think there is something happening that I don't fully understand, but there it is.

Time will tell."

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Brain Bliss