Monday, May 31, 2004

Clerical error - Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr

From US News

While fighting still erupts from time to time in Najaf, it looks like Sadr is on his last legs.

In the past two months, hundreds have done so. Fighting between Sadr's men and U.S.-led coalition forces has claimed the lives of over 350 Iraqis, a heavy toll on the ad hoc militia, and 21 coalition soldiers. With his losses, Sadr started looking for a way to bow out gracefully, approaching high-ranking Shiite politicians and clergy to help him cut a deal with the United States. Finally, last week, in the latest of on-again, off-again cease-fires, Sadr agreed "to put an end to the tragic events in holy Najaf, and the violation of the holy shrines in it," by disbanding his troops.


The last paragraph sums it all up.

Publicly furious with the occupation, the citizens are also privately blaming Sadr for bringing the fighting to the holiest Shiite city, and they say that they will be grateful when he and his ragtag bandit army leave. "Things were very good two months ago. It was a peaceful town. Then people from outside our city came in [and] the majority of the fighters came from outside of Najaf," said Ali Nasser, 25, while eating a lunch of stewed lamb and rice in the emptied bazaar. "When the Americans first came here, they played soccer and dominoes with us. They were just like our friends. We didn't even see a tank."

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