Thursday, January 20, 2005

France - Islam and anti-Semitism

Reuters is reporting on what it calls the "new anti-Semitism". Guess who they blame? Yep, Israel.

Roder is one of several history teachers who sounded an alarm in 2002 about a wave of anti-Semitism among Muslim pupils, much of it a reaction to the uprising by Palestinians against Israeli control of their lands.

There's nothing new about anti-Semitism, Muslims have been practicing it for centuries.

The article goes on to note the steps France is taking to reverse the anti-Semitism. Steps such as these:

- Holocaust education in state schools now starts with pupils as young as nine years old.

- Last September, all 5,500 lycees (high schools) around the country received DVDs with excerpts of the classic Holocaust film "Shoah" and related texts to give pupils a hard-hitting lesson in where hateful prejudice can lead.

- Centres like the CDJC also offer subsidised day trips to Auschwitz with a French survivor of the death camps. Auschwitz is located near Krakow in southern Poland, just over two hours' flight from Paris, and the trip costs only 50 euros.

All laudable efforts but doesn't address the root cause of the problem; the Koran, the Mosques and the Imams teach Muslims to hate Christians and Jews.

For as the article points out:

"The problem concerns not only the Shoah but anything to do with religion," he said. "Some Muslim pupils don't accept being taught about Christian religious life, which is very important to understand the Middle Ages.

Not to mention the Middle East.

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Brain Bliss