Thursday, January 20, 2005

Palestinian Terrorists - Spreading the Propaganda

Earlier today I posted about the BBC cheerleading for the Palestinians.

Now, Melanie Phillips gives us more insight into the subject.

'Muhammad Bakri, producer of "Jenin, Jenin," a documentary that claims Israel committed genocide in the Jenin refugee camp in April 2002, admitted in a deposition to inaccuracies throughout his film. The filmmaker is being sued by five Israeli soldiers visible in still footage in the film, which alleges IDF troops killed a "large number" of civilians, mutilated Palestinian bodies, randomly executed and bombed women, children and the mentally and physically impaired, and leveled the entire refugee camp, including a wing of the local hospital...But Bakri, in a deposition obtained by WND, admitted he "believed" selected witnesses but didn't check the information they provided.

'"I believed the things that I've been told. What I did not believe was not included in the film," said Bakri. When asked about a scene in which it is implied Israeli troops ran over civilians, Bakri admitted to constructing the footage himself as an "artistic choice." He also answered "no" when asked if he believed "that during the operation in Jenin, the Israeli soldiers killed people indiscriminately." In perhaps the most explosive element of the deposition, Bakri admitted his documentary, which was screened in theaters around the world, was financed in part by the Palestinian Authority. He said Yasser Abed Rabu, Palestinian minister of culture and information and a member of former PLO leader Yasser Arafat's executive committee, "covered a part of the film expenses."'

And as she points out,

The significance of Bakri's deposition, however, lies in the part played in disseminating this libel by the Palestinian Authority, whose utterances tend to be believed uncritically by British journalists while the Israelis -- who do not set out to deceive -- are assumed to be intrinsically and deliberately mendacious. Yet here is evidence that it is the Palestinian Authority which orchestrated a gross deception and libel.

As proof against the BBC, Melanie offer this:

'Most recently, the BBC published on its Web site a story by correspondent Barbara Plett about the PA campaign to register voters for the election in east Jerusalem. Israel had closed down the six registration centers in the city because, under agreements signed with the PLO, the Palestinians are not permitted to carry out political activities inside Israel."When it comes to Palestinian democracy in occupied East Jerusalem, Israel is obstructing them, and the Americans have little to say," Plett concluded her report.Plett failed to mention in her story that most Arabs in Jerusalem had refused to register. Plett, who last year admitted that she had cried upon witnessing Arafat being airlifted from the Mukata in Ramallah for medical treatment in Paris, also ignored in her story complaints by Palestinians that the PA security forces were harassing and intimidating would-be voters and supervisors at the registration centers – a complaint made by the Palestinian Central Election Committee in a letter sent to the PA Minister of Interior and published in some Palestinian newspapers.'

The BBC are not alone.

One journalist for Agence France Presse actually announced last year that she would run in the election for the chairmanship of the Palestinian Authority, and one of the agency's correspondents in the Gaza Strip also happens to be the chief reporter in the area for the PA's Voice of Palestine radio station.

There is more so be sure to read the whole thing.

Honest Reporting has more including this about another BBC reporter:

All this calls to mind the declaration by Fayad Abu Shamala, the BBC correspondent in Gaza for the past 10 years, at a Hamas rally in May 2001:

"Journalists and media organizations [are] waging the campaign shoulder-to-shoulder together with the Palestinian people."

Yeah, we know, the BBC's middle east coverage proves that.

But it's not just journalists, media organizations and film makers helping Palestinian terrorists. The UN goes so far as to fund and support Palestinian terrorists.

In 2003 and 2004, the Israel Defense Forces captured documentation showing how the U.N. Development Program was regularly funding two Hamas front organizations: the Tulkarm Charity Committee and the Jenin District Committee for Charitable Funds.


Another disturbing revelation from captured documents is the support provided by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for the "Koran and Sunna Society" of Kalkilya. UNRWA has been heavily penetrated by Hamas for years; Hamas members dominate many of its unions, including the teachers union. But this new link represented a further deterioration in the U.N.'s connections, for the "Koran and Sunna Society" defines itself as salafi -- it adopts doctrines from militant Islam.

Everyday the world's left leaning liberal media pump out their anti-Israeli and anti-American propaganda. But thanks to bloggers, the truth is slowing emerging.

Complaints to AFP News:

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Brain Bliss