Monday, January 17, 2005

Human Rights Watch - to the wood shed

The Diplomad takes Human Rights Watch to the wood shed for a well deserved spanking.

Here is just a snippet, be sure to read the whole thing.

If over the past 15 years or so one read and believed the reports of Human Rights Watch, one would be 110% convinced that the United States -- the world's oldest democracy; the country that brought down colonialism, Nazism, Fascism, and Communism; invented the UN; serves as a safehaven for tens-of millions of people of all races, nationalities, and creeds; and remains still the most sought after destination for millions of intending immigrants around the world -- is the greatest threat to peace, international cooperation, freedom and democracy ever to exist. It seems that for the guys and the gals at HRW, whenever something "negative" happens in the world, it's ultimate source is something the USA has done or failed to do. If Egypt adopts restrictive legislation it's because it imitates the US post-9/11 Patriot Act; if Britain does, it's because of the US-induced "climate of fear" after 9/11; if Cuba has a bad human rights record, the U.S. economic embargo is partially to blame, etc. No other country gets as much attention as the USA in HRW's reports: go look for yourselves.

I think he was mad or something. Anyway, I think he went a little too far with that "oldest democracy" statement.

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Brain Bliss