Monday, January 17, 2005

Muslim Terrorist don't exist - update

Melanie Phillips posts a comment from a reader regarding a comment from Iqbal Sacranie, general secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain, that Muslim terrorists do not exist.

My post on it is here.

‘I should like to say that it was an astounding statement that you managed to get out of Iqbal Sacranie. At least we cannot accuse him of ambiguity. I heard this sort of thing from the MCB (Muslim Council of Britain) at a large public meeting in Bradford soon after September 11th when, at the time, I was doing some work for an interfaith charity. It opened my eyes to the reality of what we are facing and the total inadequacy (or worse) of well-meaning attempts at dialogue and understanding. The logic is this: if it is a terrorist act, the perpetrator cannot be a true Muslim; if the perpetrator is a true Muslim, it cannot be a terrorist act. Thus redefined, Islam can pose as a religion of peace but support violent jihad (not "terrorism") against its opponents.’

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Brain Bliss