Monday, February 14, 2005

Islam - Jihad Watch Hate Mail

Jihad Watch posts some hate mail and responses. Here is a sample.

Study Islam before you attack it.

I have written 4 books about Islam and studied it for 24 years.

Jihad does not mean “Holy War”.

I have stated this many times in my books and on this site. But this fact means less than you want it to mean.

There are many forms of Jihad, and fighting is the least important type of Jihad.

Then why, for instance, does Al-Azhar endorse a manual of Shafi'i jurisprudence that devotes 10 pages to fighting and 1 page to the other types of jihad?

Also, fighting is only obligated on Muslims if the faith and community is under attack, which is not something that any one could criticize.

Except that jihadists interpret the faith and community being under attack as meaning just about anything.

Any believers of any other religion would do the same to protect their religion against any aggression.

No they wouldn't. Islam is the only religion that has a doctrine of warfare against unbelievers.

Terrorists use vague Jihad versus from the Quran to justify their actions; however, I have read the Quran and studied the religion for 5 years, and I know that killing innocent people is forbidden in Islam.

Indeed. But who is "innocent"? Osama doesn't think any American is, and there is no Islamic argument against him.


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Brain Bliss